Friday, February 26, 2016

Who Won the Houston GOP Debate?

In a normal year Kasich won hands down.  His calm demeanor, sensible proposals and exposition of a resume that is on point for present problems would carry the day.  But this is not that year, and last night was not that day.

Carson, would be the clear loser, but given his lack of relevance and limited air time you would have to give him an incomplete.  His desperate plea for air time, "Someone please attack me," was the comic relief in a nasty brawl.  I doubt I am the only one who records the debate so I can fast forward through Dr. Ben.

The other loser was Cruz--the winners Rubio and Trump.  Marco and Ted spent most of the evening attacking The Donald.  Marco had the better lines and stuck the knife in with a smile.  Cruz was a cross between a stern high school principal and the smarmy adult in "Beach Blanket Bingo."

Marco exposed Trump for a lack of a replacement for Obamacare, and for hiring foreign workers rather than Americans.  But Trump had a few counter attacks and blustered through.  Since he was entitled to respond to each attack he dominated the air time.

Plus Trump had a big ace in the hole--Chris Christie.  Trump knows that for every person watching the debate, 20 form an opinion through sound bites.  Trump used the Christie endorsement to cover the post debate news cycle.

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