Saturday, May 25, 2019


Intelligence sources must be as sacred as the confessional.  They must not be sacrificed on the altar of  politics and expediency.  The larger, and more diverse the congregation, the better the chance of deferring judgement day.

A few empty foreign pews were spotted after Trump blew an Israeli source during an oval office laugh fest with the Russian ambassador.  The collection plate may be empty now that the president has a Barr in the China, Russia and Saudi shop.  Fear of exposure will discourage future recruits.

For our intelligence services, what they do not know can hurt us.  One source too few, may result in a multitude of deaths.

Friday, May 24, 2019

End Game

People of good faith could debate well into the night whether incompetence or corruption are the hallmark of this administration.  But none can deny the sickly sweet smell of mendacity oozing from every pore of the White House and from every 35 dollar pour at the Trump DC Hotel.

The lies are beyond number and the greed without limit.  One hundred and two million dollars of tax payer money has been spent to date at Trump properties for his golf outings.  When Saudi Arabia needed to curry favor with the administration, they booked an entire floor at his hotel.  Others such as T-Mobile have followed suit, in only slightly less grandiose ways.   His designated czar for the Middle East, Kushner, punished Qatar when it failed to come through with a 400 million dollar loan for his family business.

Saudi Arabia has been happy to supply the needed funds.  The Crown Prince has been amply rewarded by the downplaying of the murder of a Washington Post Journalist, and a weapon deal in defiance of Congress.

Then of course, there are the web of threats to the interests of America that fit under the rubric of Russia and Putin, including the related obstruction of justice.

Trump must be removed from office.  Unfortunately, unless after pigs grow wings, Republicans grow their own additional appendages, the subsequent Senate trial will flounder.  GOPers will place personal and party interests before country.

Conversely, just beating Trump in 2020 is not enough to restore the rule of law and the sense of decorum.  Impeachment and criminal proceedings are also necessary.  So after we move heaven and earth (he has hell locked up), to defeat Trump, we must have a lame duck impeachment session.  The politics will be greatly diminished, if not totally removed.

The American people will be able to see the nature of the beast who ruled them without a hint of beauty.