Monday, September 24, 2012

When Worlds Collide

Obama  won the war of the words.  The Romney podium placards are etch a sketch moments.  The current  "Romney Plan for the Middle Class" is reactive, he is trying to invade Obama world, not knowing that alien invaders always lose.  For a creature of the 50s, his memory of post sputnik sci fi is limited.  Perhaps that is why he thinks Russia is our number one enemy.

Campaign messaging is three spheres.  The first is the real world, loosely represented by main stream media, which amplifies or mutes paid advertising.  The daisy ad used against Barry Goldwater only played once, but the media echo chamber of Goldwater as an extremist, parlayed it into a devastating and decisive attack.   Conversely, the Romney medicare attack has died out.

The second globe is the strategic plan.  This is a single theme, although it may have many parts.  The campaign must present a consistent narrative and plan that carries through from the beginning of the campaign until election day.  So far Obama has done this, Romney has been a serial message changer.

Finally, the small moon circling the real world is the tactical campaign.  It orbits every 24 hour news cycle, seeking more light for its campaign and more darkness for the opposition.  This is the part of the campaign that gravitates towards gaffes, or perceived gaffes.  It works when it moves in tandem with the strategic plan.  "You Built it" worked for Romney because it fit the campaign story of a business man who understands how the economy works running against a failed president.  Similarly, Romney's 47% video is consistent with Obama's portrayal of Mitt as an out of touch plutocrat, who does not understand the problems of the middle class.

But flailing attempts to win news cycles can knock a campaign out of orbit, if inconsistent with the strategic vision.  This was the case with Romney's Libya remarks, and so many recent attacks.  Soon we will know if Mitt can pullout of this death spiral.

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