Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Republican Dead Cat Bounce

Clint Eastwood's speech got a sitting ovation in North Carolina, the center of America's furniture industry.  As the Democrats assemble in Charlotte, how will they counter a twelve minute prime time homage to a chair?  As the warmer, fuzzier party, will Democrats  feature a love seat during the first lady's presentation?  Inquiries to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chair, have gone unanswered.  Perhaps the matter has been tabled.

Except for North Carolina furniture manufacturers and a few conservative pundits dancing on tables, the Republican Convention was ineffective.  As the saying goes, even a dead cat will bounce.  But the small  (0 to 4 percent) bounce, is not enough to counter the stench of a future of backroom abortions and third world level income disparity.

A picture of Romney and Ryan may look good over the sofa, so long as that sofa is not in the  oval office.


  1. Total agreement here. The table is set to put Romney to bed.

  2. It would be a nice touch for him to sit in the Eastwood chair when he gives his concession speech.
