Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Tale of Two Conventions

It was the best of lines, it was the worst of lines.  But the lines could not be more different.  Chris Christie was like a best man who, trying to woo a bridesmaid, talks only about himself, and forgets to toast the groom.  In one day, there has been more mention of, and cheering for, Obama than for Romney in the entire 3 days of, what must be called, the no name convention.  The Republican convention was a shotgun wedding.  Only the NRA was happy.

But before the wedding, comes the ring.   Comparing Michelle Obama's speech to Ann Romney's is like comparing diamonds. A nearly colorless H grade stone appears perfect until you place it next to a colorless D grade. Ann's speech seemed excellent, but by comparison, it now seems like she and Mitt were running for prom king and queen.

Her story about their years in a basement apartment, now seems like they were playing at being poor, when compared to the genuine hardship and aspirations of the families of the first lady and the president.  Michelle showed us a president who makes decisions based on values, our values.

It was also a tale of two wedding planner's.  The Obama staff made our day. 

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