Monday, September 17, 2012

Romney: Cold and Fuzzy

Romney's focus group flexibility on issues is balanced by his consistency in campaign tactics.  He eschews the normal pattern of starting with positive biographical ads.  He pounds the opponent with negative ads.  But strikingly his attacks make hypocrisy an art form.

In his gubernatorial race he attacked Shannon O'Brien, who released ten years of tax returns, for not releasing her husband's returns.  These attack ads fuzzed up the issue of Romney not releasing returns.  He attacked Kennedy on the same grounds when he ran for Senate.  But being unable to use the issue this time, he claims release of tax returns are of no consequence.

Romney attacked Obama on Medicare.  Yet his running mate's budget has the same 716 billion in cuts in  future Medicare costs.  His claim of taking steps ts save Medicare is false.  His plan shortens the life of the trust by 8 years.

His tax plan is no different.  For months Obama has been attacked for lack of leadership for not presenting a detailed plan to Congress, but only guidlines.  But the Romney/Ryan explanation for not detailing the deductions necessary to fund his tax plan, is that the matter is best left to open debate in Congress

Duplicity is not a singular sin.  It is multiplied by the disdain for the electorate that it represents.

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