Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trump: Party Crasher

Donald Trump is a danger to both parties.  Moderates and independents did not hear the Republican racist dog whistle, but they now know who let the dogs out.  Asians, hispanics and blacks are all set to bid one no Trump, and their support may be a bridge too far for the post-Trump GOP.

Trump tax proposals cut both ways.  The GOP is a schizophrenic with seismic  powers of rationalization.  The wall street, donor class that fuels campaigns benefits from the GOP anti-tax policies.   The barely heeled base of the party is deluded by metaphors like, "A rising tide lifts all ships."  Hearing voices preaching supply side voodoo and fears of the other, the base acts out, by voting against self interest.  Trump schlock therapy realigns base economic self interest with a progressive tax policy.  The personality of the GOP could fracture.

Trump on the GOP ticket, closely aligned with the ticket, or running as an independent (his pledge is unenforceable), poses dangers for the Democrats as well.  A progressive Republican tax policy could peel off socially conservative Catholics, and union members.

Obama won by enticing new young and minority voters.  Trump could be Obama's evil twin drawing in the disengaged, from skin heads to butt heads.

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