Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney Staff Tells the Truth

The Romney staff is well paid.  They live by the slogan, "loose lips reduce tips."  So I was skeptical when it leaked out that Ryan was picked over staff opposition.  Was Romney actually being bold or was his staff preemptively protecting their reputations in case Ryan hurt the ticket?  Maybe focus groups had shown the methodical Romney needed to appear bold, so a false story was planted with media.

But the leaks have been proven true by events.  In four days Romney has taken 4 positions on the Ryan budget and its approach to Medicare.  Not the well oiled machine you would expect if the staff was on board early.

In politics timing can be  everything.  The Ryan announcement was beautiful and clever.  Virginia is a battleground state, the ship was named after Ryan's home state, Wisconsin.  But it was 9 a.m. Eastern Time on a Saturday.  Half of America was asleep, and the rest, were either on vacation, or watching the Olympics.  Nor could the event be primed for the evening news.  There is no evening news on Saturday.   On short notice it was probably the best time slot they good get.

Perhaps Romney should stick to mendacity.  The truth ill suits him.

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