Friday, August 3, 2012

Is the Romney Campaign a Joke?

Romney reminds me of a joke told by a dear Unitarian friend.  "What do you get if you cross a Unitarian with a Seventh Day Adventist?  Someone who goes door to door with nothing to say."  Romney and friends will spend over a billion dollars to knock on our electronic doors to deliver tasteless attacks and bland platitudes.

His domestic menu is empty calories, reheated basic GOP puffery filled with voodoo economics.  His international tidbits have been standard fare for late night monologues. His whine list is long, but poorly chosen.  Romney offerings lack conviction.  He serves up whatever is trendy and expedient.

His resume is incomplete.  There is little mention of his term as Governor or, of his piece de resistance, Romneycare.  There are doubts about when, and under what circumstances, his tenure ended at Bain Capital.  Nor is his financial information filled in.  His advise, based on his  Olympic experience, nearly caused an international incident.

Non-work  experience is similarly sketchy.  There is nary  a murmur about Mormonism, nor mention of his experiences as a  pet owner.

Do not give your blind trust to a candidate who hides the details of his own blind trust.

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