Friday, July 19, 2024

The Battle Beneath the Surface

A battle is going on in the Democratic Party.  Not to see who will be the nominee.  Biden will, with great reluctance, bow to the inevitable, and withdraw in favor of Kamala.  Nor is it for the VP slot.  I prefer Beshear to balance the ticket, but the bench is deep, filled with Midwestern governors.

The fight to come is at the staff level.  As Kamala advances her staff will wish to harness the power of their loyalty. Power is everything in Washington.  But Kamala must resist.

Her 2020 run was short lived.  Staffing may have played a role.  Biden beat Trump.  Make no mistake, Biden was no JFK or Obama on the trail.  He owes much to his managers.   The star pitcher may have come up lame, but that is no reason to switch managers.  Kamala must go with the tried and true and only integrate staff members who are willing to subordinate for the team.

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