Saturday, September 24, 2016


Pundits mouth the mantra:  This is a change election.  Lost in the mystic mumbling is the change still in the tank of the Obama/Clinton agenda.  Obama inherited a capsized kayak of state.  He had to flip it over before he could move it forward.  Rowing against a strong Republican current has been slow and hard.

Hillary is best suited to make a progressive push forward.  Change is legislation passed, regulations implemented, modified or eliminated.  As a successful Senator and a policy wonk she has the chops to get us to the left bank.

But, particularly for millennials, the most important change, is climate change.  When we boomers are six feet underground, they may be six feet under water.  Trump is a climate denier.  Gary Johnson is a policy denier.  Libertarians want to let the market decide.  You may not like big oil's decisions.  The Green Party, bless their hearts, spent two hours at their convention on breathing exercises.  If you care about breathing clean air, drinking pure water, and tackling global warming, join every major environmental group in supporting Hillary.


  1. As usual, both candidates are promising things that will not get passed. That's the most normal thing about this election, politician's promises.
    If Democrats win majority in the Senate as well as the White House, that could help, but the House will remain in Republican majority. With Ryan as speaker, no matter who wins, they will be obstructed from implementing their plans. It amazes me that people believe they will get whatever their candidate promises.
    A Trump disaster presidency might be one way to get Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate.
    The American people have voted for the Republican financial disaster, Cut taxes, no new taxes. Americans loved getting their check from Bush, even if it did raise the debt another 800 billion dollars. Americans loved their war in Iraq, even if it was proven a lie, especially by the time Bush ran for a second term. Americans didn't seem to worry that raised the debt another 2 trillion dollars, they didn't have to pay it.
    Tonight, I hope Clinton is successful in making the "Teflon Don" go ballistic. If Trump appears like he did in the Republican primary debates, he should lose. But I won't count on it, that's what made him so popular.
