Friday, April 1, 2016

July Jubilee

With a tip of the hat to Dave Alvin and the Blasters, in July, Hillary's jubilee train will be rolling over Trump in the rust belt.  Her campaign and SuperPacs have already slotted 70 million in early ads in battleground states.

Size matters.  The ad buy is double the amount that the Trump campaign has raised and borrowed for the entire cycle.  Trump will be dialing for dollars after his nomination, but will be defenseless in July.   With no guard rails in politics, there will be blood on the tracks.

Whether it is fatal or a glancing blow rides with the strength of the message.  Living in a consumer society we have developed sales resistance.  Otherwise we would have filled 6 car garages, homes stuffed with detergent and cereal, and eat eight meals a day at McDonalds.  Political ads only work when they focus, and amplify, more trusted free media.

Fortunately for Clinton, Trump has provided ample fuel.  The base case is that Trump lacks the temperament, consistency and experience to lead the free world.  Targeted ads will feature Trump's condescending and demeaning remarks about women, hispanics,  and muslims.  Blacks will not only listen to Trump's reluctance to denounce David Duke, but his disrespect, starting with the birther movement, towards the first Black president.  Disrespect is a big thing in the community.

With a big lead in the polls, Hillary will be able to dictate debate terms.  The author of, "The Art of the Deal," will be reduced to finger painting, with his oh, so short fingers.

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