Sunday, January 17, 2016


Ted Cruz will never have an "Et tu, Brutus," moment.  To share Caesar's fate of being stabbed in the back by a friend, you need friends.  Ted has none.  No one has his back.  Not only does he lack friends among Democratic Senators, but more importantly, his GOP cohorts barely hide their distaste

Nor is this new,  as Caroline Bankoff reported in the Daily Intelligencer:

'Over the last year or two, certain Americans have delighted in screenwriter Craig Mazin's candid recollections of his time as Texas senator Ted Cruz's freshman-year roommate. According to Mazin, the current presidential candidate “endlessly hit the snooze button,” creeped out female peers by hanging around their hallway in a bathrobe, and “had SERIOUS body odor issues.” Other Princeton classmates haven't been much kinder, callingCruz  “abrasive,” “intense," “strident,” “arrogant,” and a “crank".'

Governance at its best, like friendship, centers on caring about, and for, people.   Someone who lacks the empathy to form friendships lacks the capacity to govern.  If people who need people are indeed the luckiest people in the world, then Ted is plum out of luck.  But if we elect him, the ill fortune is ours.  To quote the Divine Miss  M, "You gotta have friends."

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