The most prominent jurist of her generation, Ruth Bader Ginsburg in life, created a more perfect union. Her death could tear it asunder.
Politics does not stop for eulogies. Everything RBG fought for is on the line. The impact of another conservative on the Supreme Court is obvious. The impact of the opening is less certain, but equally dangerous.
Through an apocalypse of fires in the west, hurricanes in the Southeast, and a nation ravaged by a plague, the presidential race has remained stable. That has been good for Joe Biden.
Every day the electorate focuses on the virus is good for Biden. Changing the subject to the high court this late in the race may be a low blow. Will it chase low propensity conservative voters to the polls, narrowing or obliterating his lead? Or, can the talented Biden team turn the tables, as it did with "Law and Order," and neutralize the risk, and even bring their most flighty supporters to the ballot box?
If hypocrisy was a crime, the GOP senate caucus would convene in the prison yard. Tit for tat, is not all that. We need more. Although the image of buff and tattooed Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell pumping iron, does ease some of the pain.
After Trump announces his nominee, Biden must do the same. He can choose someone who will electrify all of his supporters, or motivate just a key part of his base. If willing, Michelle Obama comes to mind. Her appeal is broad, but particularly strong with young voters and suburban women. Alternatively, Biden could chose a prominent hispanic jurist. Biden must seize the moment or be squeezed by history.