Waltzing beneath the banner of human rights, Trump intends to limit the right of Americans to trade with, and travel to, Cuba. His rationale is out of step, after sword dancing in a country with neither elections, nor respect for women's rights, and the source of funding and manpower for 9/11. He giddily shares state secrets with Russia, the county that tried to sabotage our elections, and which, routinely imprisons or murders Putin's critics.
Perhaps for fear it might drown out his own baritone drone, he has never given voice to the voiceless. His business was routinely cited for refusing to rent to minorities. His budget guts federal enforcement of anti-discrimination statutes. He also wants to deny healthcare to millions, an act too cruel for even the Castro brothers. Cuba has universal healthcare.
Even if Trump's heart were pure, his policy is unsound. During my two visits, I observed the growth of a fledgling free market. Interaction is more likely to produce change, than a policy that failed for half a century. For the US, jobs will be lost, and trading opportunities will be missed.
The geopolitical ramifications will be severe. The US will again be at odds with Latin America, unable to advance regional policies, such as condemnation of Venezuela. To prop up its weak economy, Cuba will again turn to our adversaries for support. Russia is already talking about opening up military bases.
Even as Trump cuts a deal for Rubio's support, the real beneficiary is Russia.
Larry Stein, Author of, '4 Americans in Cuba: A Traveler on a Rope Guidebook'
Amazon sales page: https://www.amazon.com/Americans-Cuba-Traveler-Rope-Guidebook-ebook/dp/B072L4WG3K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495552372&sr=8-1&keywords=4+americans+in+cuba
Google Play sales page: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Larry_Stein_4_Americans_in_Cuba?id=JR7EDgAAQBAJ
Kobo sales page: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/4-americans-in-cuba