Thursday, July 7, 2016

The NRA IS Racist

Try to close the gun show loop hole to background checks, the NRA starts writing checks to any Congressman on its payroll.  Outrage flows from the pores of wealthy lobbyists.

But when Philando Castile  is gunned down because he let an officer know that he had a duly permitted fire arm, the NRA is unfazed.  For the NRA, the right to bear arms only applies to whites.

They call a white man with a gun an oath keeper.  They call a black man with a gun, DOA.   The NRA does not care.  Yes, there are a few people of color in the NRA, but window dressing will not bring Philando back to life.


  1. Politico article agrees with this post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
