With a tip of the hat from an ultra conservative Supreme Court, Christian Nationalism is on the rise in the United States. In a public football stadium, a coach was allowed to lead a prayer on the 50 yard line after games. Republicans in red states are pushing to have the 10 Commandments in every classroom. According to a Politico poll 61 per cent of Republicans favor America becoming a Christian State.
Us versus them may be hardwired in our DNA. Whenever a religion or an ism have controlled the reigns of government, death and destruction have rained down on the "others." Examples include, but are not limited to, the inquisition, pogroms, the holocaust, the Wars of Reformation, and conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites.
A strong secular democracy is the bastion protecting minorities, be they Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or run of the mill atheists. If the Christian Nationalist movement flourishes, the threat will reach critical mass. Maybe you, and perhaps even your children, will be safe, but be assured that the rights, freedom, and even the lives, of your grandchildren will be forfeit.
Imagine the unimaginable, and act now.