Friday, November 22, 2019

Will The Circle be Unbroken?

As factual arrows pierce the President's flimsy defenses, Republicans and Ever-Trumpers circle the wagons.  Although 30 point headlines drop a dime on him, Trump's poll numbers ascend.

Trump may be a national disgrace, but his continued level of support is a deeper stain.  For the first time since World War II, a european nation's territorial integrity has been breached.  Russia has annexed Crimea and is openly fighting in Eastern Ukraine.

The official bipartisan policy is to support Ukraine.  Yet our president was willing to increase Russia's leverage by denying the prestige of a presidential visit with the president of Ukraine, and delaying desperately needed aid.  He contravened national policy in order to get dirt on the Biden's and support for a discredited theory of Ukraine interference in our election.

Tribalism has propped up silly defenses of indefensible conduct.  Republicans contend that anyone in regular contact with the president cannot testify because of executive privilege.  They further hold that anyone who has testified can be ignored because they were not in direct contact with Trump.  Fittingly the circled wagons use a circular defense.

The second GOP argument is that the alleged sins of the fathers should fall on their sons, even with paternity in dispute.  During the 2016 campaign two editorials were written by Ukrainians that slanted in favor of Hillary Clinton's policies.  Based on this Republicans support the debunked theory that the Ukrainian government interfered in our election, and therefore justify pressuring the new reformist regime.

After being educated at Trump University, and being wowed by the generosity of the Trump Foundation, millions are clamoring to buy the Brooklyn Bridge.

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