Monday, November 19, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez is Wrong

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has yelled fire before even buying her ticket to the show.  Her call to primary established Democrats is at best premature, and at worst highly destructive.

Like most Democrats I was thrilled by her victory.  As a deliberative body, the people's house benefits from the widest possible breath of ideological views and social backgrounds.  Even Newt Gingrich sometimes had a good idea.  Those who feel disenfranchised may be heartened by a House that looks more like their house.

Would primary opponents from the left be anymore successful than the GOP example of attacks from the right?  Republicans have the steering wheel all the way to the right, going in a circle rather than moving forward.   Democrats, fearful of compromise, would be no more capable of doing the peoples' business than their GOP counterparts.

Then there is Trump.  Imagine if inter-party squabbling costs Democrats the Congress and Trump wins in 2020.  The Congresswoman has not fought a powerless rearguard action, without the votes to protect progressive values.

Ocasio-Cortez must realize that firebrand is not actually a brand.  Passion without knowledge is stillborn.  She needs to learn how a bill is crafted, what it takes to get a bill passed.  She can observe her colleagues and see who is productive and who is just going through the motions.

The Congresswoman ran as a Democrat rather than as an independent, because she gained easier ballot access.  After her stunning primary win, she received help from the party.  If she bites the hand that fed her, she deserves to get slapped.

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