Sunday, June 28, 2015

Conservative Half Baked Religious Freedom Frenzy

Religious conservatives, and the Republican presidential candidates who pander to them, are selling a soufflé that will not rise.   God fearing bakers will not be layering cakes for gay weddings.  Ultra conservative photographers will not capture the first kiss of two brides.  These specters must be taken with a few hundred grains of salt.

Marriage is a magic and singular moment.  Being of Jewish heritage, I did not seek out an anti-Semitic photographer to share that special day.  My rule in commerce is:  Nazis need not apply.  My wife is black.  When I sought a trainer for one of my race horses, a subtle racist remark by a candidate ended his chances.

Gays will seek out, and easily find gay friendly, or, at worst, gay neutral vendors.   Vendors will be climbing all over each other, but not in a sexual way, to enter this expanding market.   To claim otherwise is fear mongering.   Gays, like heterosexuals planning weddings, will rely on recommendations of friends. Friends do not recommend anti-gay wedding vendors to gay friends.

Issuing wedding licenses, and performing courthouse non-religious ceremonies falls within the, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," exception."  Government employees are performing ministerial (clerical not religious) acts.  Ministerial acts, require, and allow, no discretion.  If I meet the criteria of the State of California and pass a test, I get a driver's license.  Only in third world countries are routine government actions  discretionary, (and also a source of discretionary income).

Republicans are serving a salty, sugary, syrupy mess and calling it creme brûlée.  Let's torch it.  At least then it will be caramelized.

1 comment:

  1. No one wants hatefulness or haters at their wedding-period! 🌈
