Monday, June 13, 2016

Shame on Trump

Tragedies should unite us.  We all rallied around George W. Bush after 9/11.  But Trump has chosen to attack the sitting president.  If you parse his words carefully, he implies that Obama was involved or sympathetic to this act of terrorism.  Shame!

Time to set the record straight.  Obama is responsible for the death of Osama bin Laden as well as fatal drone strikes against 120 ISIS leaders.  He has done this while maintaining the working relationships with Muslim states, and the local Islamic community, that are so crucial in the fight against ISIS.

Now let's look at the other side of the ledger.  Shortly after the attack in Orlando the Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas tweeted a biblical verse clearly expounding that the victims deserved to die because of their homosexuality.  Republican tolerance, of such intolerance, facilitates the all too common hate crimes against the LGBT community.

More pointedly, since 9/11 guns have been used in over 85% of terrorist killings.   Trump and his party are on bended knee before the NRA,  protecting and expanding loopholes in background checks, while supporting universal access to assault weapons.

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