Monday, April 4, 2016

Why Not Bernie?

As a back bencher from a state with only the population of a midsize California city, Sanders has succeeded beyond anyone's expectations.  Voters so lusty for authenticity that they have embraced a blustery billionaire, have similarly suckled the socialist Senator.

Bernie polls better in general election match ups, so why the fear about his electability?  Hillary has survived in the pros notwithstanding a pounding from talk show behemoths, Fox News, and the bulk of the GOP.  Bernie coming from a state with a population of about 600,000, would be jumping from high school Friday night light, to Monday Night Football.  Before a friendly liberal Democratic electorate, Hillary and Bernie have been playing touch.  Many of us doubt he is ready to be sacked by SuperPacs.

Speaking of SuperPacs, Bernie's purity will leave him penniless.  Amazingly Sanders has raised over forty million dollars, in each of the last two months.  Unfortunately, he will need to step that up ten fold to be competitive in the fall.  The general election will require over a billion dollars in funding.

Bernie might also be a bad president with good intentions.  Clinton's slogan of being a progressive that can get things done, could not be clunkier.  But it is also true.  In a ranking of Senators most likely to reach across the aisle, Sanders and Cruz were near the bottom at 98 and 99 respectively.  

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