Thursday, July 30, 2015

Patriotism Litmus Test

The old saw is that partisanship ends at the nation's shore.  The teeth cut deepest with issues of war and nuclear proliferation.  Country must come before party.

A simple litmus test for Republicans is would they support the Iran Treaty if  it was negotiated by a Republican president?  Lindsey Graham prefers war to this treaty.  He may be crackers, but he passes the test.  His jingoism is personal not partisan.

Other Republicans do not fare so well.  They are drowning in their palaver about a better deal.  Only Iranian negotiators know if they could have conceded more and obtained acquiescence from their Supreme Leader.  Complete dismantlement of their nuclear infrastructure was probably a bridge too far.  President Bush offered full recognition and many other concessions in return for dismantlement.  He ran into a brick wall.

The UN and related sanctions only covered nuclear issues.  Only those on our team participating in two years of negotiations know whether our partners would have agreed to bargaining on nonnuclear issues.  But it is unlikely that China and Russia care about our hostages, or the Iranian hostility to Israel.

But whatever might have been, with Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and the EU, agreeing to the deal, sanctions, and the leverage they provide, would erode if Congress blocks the treaty.

Republicans have blithely challenged our President's loyalty to America.  They should look in the mirror before casting the first stone, or risk 7 years bad luck.

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